Adzuki bean extract - just another fat binder or more?
overall health than the few additional lbs of body fat you may be carrying around. That being said, you may still be interested in the latest results from Tomoko Kitano-Okada and his colleagues from the Department of Food Science, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine in Inadacho, Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan. In a combined in-vivo (rodent) and in-vitro study, the researchers found that control and high fat diets with 1% adzuki bean extract, despite having only non-significant effects on the high fat diet (HFF) induced weight gain, did not just ameliorate the HFD induced deteriorations in serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and triglyceride (TRIG) levels, but lead to marked improvements in LDL and TRIG in the rodents on the standard diet (55% cornstarch + 10% succrose, 20% casein, 5% soybean oil), as well.Implications: Just in case you are now interested in popping some of those beans you should be aware that the product that was used in the study contained 16% polyphenols (including 470 mg anthocyanidins, 20.7 mg catechins, 2.33 mg caffeic acid, 2.62 mg ferulic acid, 44.5 mg quercetin, and 102 mg protocatechuic acid), that the human dose equivalent would ~5-6g /day and that you should try to get an extract with polymerized (=interconnected) phenols, as those were roughly 2x more active in the in-vitro essays (although it is questionably if this translates into better real world results).
Marathon running is for the metabolically efficient!
Image 3: Marathoners have nothing to lose! |
As the data in figure 2 goes to show, their body cell mass (BCM), a more accurate measure of the amount of metabolically active tissue in their body than "lean mass" (Moore. 1963), is about equal to the one of division 1 football players (data compiled from Andreoli. 2003 and Andreoli. 2012), but their lean mass is much lower (as mentioned before they have no use for heavy type I and type IIX muscle fibers).
Sounds strange, when you come to think about it - right? "People with higher energy expenditures make good marathon runners?" Well, I guess you better think of it differently: Bigger engines need more fuel and as we have seen yesterday, a very welcome side effect of "mitochondrial biogenesis that's induced by Chitooligosaccharide supplementaton" was an increase in endurance - that those big engines have to be fueled adequately, by the way, does also explain why people like Michael Phelps do in fact have to eat like a horse - that he really needs 12,000-15,000 calories per day is yet probably just another of those urban legends.
Implications: Interestingly enough, the necessity of having a "big engine" (=huge metabolically active cell mass) does also implicate that the formerly obese, who appear to flock around marathon or at least endurance running, with their slabs of metabolically unactive tissue and suppressed metabolic rates due to months or years of undereating and overtraining have little to no chance of ever winning a marathon race, which - and this may be the most surprising finding of the study - is not the prerogative of the person who "burns the less fuel" - at least not as long as nobody takes away their 30 bananas a day and the highly concentrated energy gels marathoners use on their 42-km run, I guess ;-)
Can 75g of Glucose Reduce Testosterone by 10% Within Minutes?
In a recently conducted trial, Lisa M. Caronia and her colleagues from the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston observed an astonishing -12% drop in total testosterone within 30 min of the ingestion of an 75g of glucose - the same amount you would ingest in every regular oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and even less than some hilarious "expert suggestions" will tell you would need to optimally replenishing your allegedly depleted glycogen stores after an intense workout.Symptoms of low Testosterone
Furthermore, neither cortisol (not shown in figure 3), a potential suppressor of testicular testosterone production, nor luteinizing hormone (LH), which stimulates testicular testosterone production and should actually increase in response to the drop in testosterone, did budge in the course of the 120 min after the 74 men (age range: 19-74 years, mean: 51.4 ± 1.4) who reported to the lab after a 12-hour overnight fast had ingested the 75g of glucose.- Lean muscle loss, agitation/motor dyskinesia, decreased appetite
- Depression, guilt, low-self esteem, anhedonia, decreased cognitive capacity
- Increased stress, general fatigue, sleep disturbances
- Decreased libido, decreased spontaneous erections, decreased ejaculate, erection dysfunction, decreased sexual fantasies, anorgasmia
As Caronia et al. point out, the non-existent response of the luteinizing hormone (LH) levels to the reduced testosterone levels, is probably the only clue we have as far as the underlying mechanism of allegedly glucose-induced reduction in testosterone levels is concerned, because "one would anticipate that the decreased negative feedback of T would lead to increased LH levels" (Caronia. 2012). And though Caronia et al. are certainly right that this and the fact that this was not the case and that the effect occured in healthy, in insulin resistant and in diabetic subjects (where it was slightly more pronounced, though; data not shown), clearly "suggests an additional central component", the latter should actually, as it was observed by Iranmanesh et al. only recently involve a drop in luteinizing hormone (Iranmanesh. 2012).
After thinking about that for a couple of minutes I was just about to write in the implications that this would be another good reason not to go overboard on fast carbs, when I remembered my previous research on all things testosterone for the "Intermittent Thoughts on Building Muscle" Series and what the scientists themselves had said about the declining leptin levels - well, let's take a look at what the testosterone levels of both young and old men do between 8:00am and 12:00pm, i.e. during the exact time the subjects in the Caronia study ingested their allegedly anti-androgenic bolus of 75g of glucose:
Image 4: Conclusions are rarely 100% conclusive. |
- draw your own conclusions, and don't trust those of others blindly regardless of their "credentials"
- make sure that you don't ignore the diurnal rhythmicity of testosterone, and are thus fooled to believe that short term changes in the +/- 50% range would make you build or lose muscle, let alone your virility
On Very Short Notice
- Fat burning machines can't have orange juice for breakfast - The additional 210kcal the subjects of a 2012 trial by scientists from the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute consumed in form of "healthy" orange juice were not just more or less empty calories, they also reduced the postprandial fatty acid oxidation by whopping 25%. This lead Stookey et al. conclude that "independent of a state of energy excess, [drinking] a caloric beverage instead of drinking water with a meal [will decrease] the amount of fat consumed in the meal before their next meal." (Stookey, 2012) If you want to become / stay a fat burning machine (and in my humble opinion even if you just want to stay lean and healthy) you better eat your fruit and never drink it (let alone other caloric beverages, see "Fat content per Energy Drink 0g, Fat Gain Per Energy Drink 16g").
- Despite the fact that WM HDP is an artificial restistant starch, of which even less will be digested and absorbed as glucose in the small intestine, these results do confirm what we have already seen in the WM HDP studies and what some of the latest blogposts bordering on dietary fiber have hinted at, as well (e.g."Weightloss Threesome"): The effects of these not, or only partially digestible fibers and carbohydrates go way beyond simply filling you up or being non-insulinogenic (=not causing an insulin spike as even the low GI starches do). There is however, as Carolin L. Bodinham and her colleagues rightly point out, need for "further studies [...] to confirm these findings and to elucidate the mechanisms" and, as I would add, to identify whether or not this could work for people who have already developed type II diabetes, as well.
- Counter-intuitive effects of high glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) levels in form of increased insulin and reduced obesity: While the hitherto published studies on WM HDP (see previous bullet point) clearly suggest that part of its fatburning effect is mediated by a reduced, even almost non-existant GIP (and subsequently insulin response), a recent study from Canada clearly suggest that whenever you do consume regular starch a more pronounced incretin response will not just avoid hyperglycemia (due to the more pronounced release of insulin from the pancreas), but also improve / prevent adipose tissue inflammation, hepatic steatosis (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) and even weight gain - remember: we are talking about higher insulin responses, here (Kim. 2012)! Unfortunately, the anti-obesity effect Su-Jin Kim and his colleagues observed in their experiments with GIP-overexpressing rodents, were mostly a direct consequence of reduced energy intakes and that those hardly ever translate into the real world is something I believe I don't have to tell you, right?
Low T3 syndrome (pseudo-hypothyroidism) or diabetes? This is an "oldie, but goldie", i.e. a study I happen on while doing research on this and that... in this case I do not even really know how this study appeared on my radar, but according to Kabadi et al. high blood sugar in type II diabetes does reduce the conversion of the "inactive" form of thyroid hormone, T4, to its active cousin, T3 and increases the conversion of T4 to rT3 (reverse T3). The latter is believed to act similar to a receptor blocker, which hinders T3 do to its metabollically activating job. The statistically highly significant (p < 0.0001) correlation (r = 0.611) the scientists observed between rT3 and fasting blood glucose would suggest that improper blood glucose management could be the root course of the heavily lamented high rT3 levels of thousands of posters on various bulletin boards all across the Internet (Kabadi. 1982). Now, the good news is that the researcher found that by controlling blood glucose levels you can return your rT3 and T3 levels back into the normal zone.Figure 6: If your body does not convert T4 into T3 adequately taking levothyroxin (T4) may even worsen many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism due to increased conversion to r-T3 and an even more sluggish metabolism that certainly won't help to get blood glucose back under control (see also "Natural Thyroid Treatment with food") - Tauroursodeoxycholic (TUDCA) and 4-phenylbutyric (4-PBA) increase T3 to T4 conversion - The chemical chaperones TUDCA and 4-PBA, of which the former has as of late been hailed as the new "milk thistle", i.e. the go-to-supplement for liver health among athletes who use oral anabolic steroids, could turn out to be a valuable tool not just to escape from the aforementioned vicious circle of low T3 and high rT3 levels, but also as a means to kickstart your metabolism. Although this hypothesis is based on data from a combined in-vitro + in-vivo rodent study (da-Silva. 2011), the shift away from glucose and towards fatty acid oxidation, as well as the doubled activity of the fat burning brown fat and the profound improvements in glucose tolerance, da-Silva et al. observed in their high-fat fed rodents certainly won't harm your physique.
Weight lifters and boxer are the most narcissistic athletes - At least among the five groups the Turkish scientist Ünsal Tazegül analyzed for his recently published paper, the 17-19-year old male boxers and weight lifters had the most pronounced narcissistic character traits. While the boxers were the most exhibitionists and pretentious, the weight lifters were the most rebellious, inadaptable, spiteful, disrespecting (subsumed under exploitation) and ambitious, power-thirsty and spiteful among the subjects who participated in this study. Interestingly enough, the freestyle wrestlers appeared to be the guys with whom you would probably get along best. So what does that tell you? Nothing... and that's why this study is only on very short notice ;-)Figure 7: Narcicistic personality traits of kickboxers, freestyle and Greek Roman wrestlers, Boxers and Weightlifters (based on Tazegül . 2012) - If you don't sleep yourself smart, you got to binge yourself half-smart: Just in case you have already forgotten what you read a few paragraphs above, the reason could be sleep deprivation. And while cognitive deficits due to sleep deprivation is nothing essentially new, another thing, namely the effectivity of increased daytime energy intake to recover your mental capacity, is something a recent study by Nina Herzog et al. has investigated for the first time (Herzog. 2012). Unfortunately, binging rescues only the procedural part of your memory (where you store how to brush your teeth before you go to bed ;-), it will not compensate for the detrimental effects a lack of adequate sleep will have on your declarative memory. If you also take into account that it is going to make you fat and sick, I would thus suggest you go to bed now, after all you havale already done the single most important thing of the day - you've gotten your daily dose of SuppVersity news! And let's be honest, you don't want to forget any of these valuable lessons, do you ;-)
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