Image 1: Johanna Quas (86), "Germany's Fittest Granny"; check out this video of her on the high bar to see an extraordinary exception proving the rule - everybody who believes he/she could rival Johanna's gymnastic skills, could try that at the next world cup, where she probably will be competing again. |
Age, sex, training status, ... a hell lot of things to consider
The scientists from the University of Saarland and the Deutsche Hochschule für Prävention und Gesundheitsmanagementin Saarbrücken conducted an extensive analysis of the respective training outcomes depending on individual preconditions of the subjects and study specific methodological variables like
The average training routine performed by an average trainee
If we take a look at the "average study" from Fröhlich et al. comprehensive dataset, we can identify the following characteristics:
- average exercises: 5 exercises
- average duration of the study: 12.5 weeks
- average number of workouts: 36.25 workouts total
- average number of workouts / week: 2.62 workouts/ week
What if...? Personal, intervention and workout specifics influence the effect sizes
Even non-experts should not be surprised that Fröhlich et al. found significant effects (p < 0.001) for both the total study duration, as well as the total number of workouts:
Figure 1: Effect sizes according to training status, subject age, no. of workouts per week, no. of sets per exercise, and rest between sets (data adapted from Fröhlich. 2012) |
A tale of trained and untrained subjects and different training regimen
Image 2: While sex doesn't matter for rookies, trained women are having a harder time gaining strength than men. |
- a significant difference between the effect sizes in trained men (F=1.5) vs. women (F=1.19), despite no difference for all subjects
- there was no significant difference between hypertrophy (F=1.01), strength-endurance (F=0.97) and coordinative strength training (1-4 reps a 70%-100%; F=1.23) as far as improvements in strength across all subject groups were concerned; despite their non-significance the data does thusly confirm conventional training wisdom about
- contrary to the global analysis the sub-analysis of untrained subjects revealed a statistically significant influence of periodization on the effect sizes, with F=1.00 for non-periodized and 1.37 for periodized protocols
[...] the strength increase in untrained subjects is very high at the beginning of the study. In the course of the training intervention, it is more or less continuous, but the performance increase per time unit is [...] continuously decreasing. This means that the adaptation curve is flattening out as the level of performance increases.Now, this is not a new result, yet still one, why you, someone with say 3 years of regular strength training under his/her belt cannot expect the exact same +10% increase in bench press performance after 1-week of supplementation with Supplement X as Mr Trainingsnoob from study A, the producer of supplement X is referring to in his write-up.
Don't compare apples and oranges
Even in the absence of supplementation untrained subjects can achieve an average increase in strength of 25%-30% within the first 6 months, before they hit their first plateau (ACSM. 2009). You better take this, as well as the influence of other confounding variables into account, whenever you compare your own results with other people from the gym, or the anonymous subjects of scientific studies, if you do want to do yourself justice... that this also implies that you must have done something wrong, if you are / once you were a male scrawny beginner in the prime of his life and your bench or squat did not go up from say 100lbs to 130lbs within the first 6 months of your training, should be self-evident, right?
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